Terms of use
Meaning of terms
The Publisher of www.jadrija.hr is Jadrija d.o.o. d.o.o. with its registered office in Zagreb, Makančeva 9, personal identification number (OIB): 50520046361 (hereinafter: “Publisher”).
www.jadrija.hr is a Web site through which the Publisher provides information about products and services that the Publisher is offering.
User of the www.jadrija.hr web site is a legal or natural person which in any way, both directly and indirectly, uses or has used, accesses or has accessed the web site www.jadrija.hr (hereinafter: “User”).
Web site means all Web sites and their sections under the www.jadrija.hr domain.
These General Terms of Use of the Web site www.jadrija.hr (hereinafter: “General Terms”) regulate the terms and conditions regarding the use of the www.jadrija.hr Web site.
By using these Web sites, the Users express their consent with the terms and conditions presented here and agree to the use of the www.jadrija.hr Web site in accordance with them.
The right of use of these Web sites is a personal right of the User that cannot be transferred in any way to other natural or legal persons.
The User is personally responsible for the protection of passwords, where they exist as such.
The User is acquainted with the fact that sometimes there are technical issues during normal operation of the Internet network which can cause an interruption of services or other events that are beyond Publisher’s control and for which reason he isn’t responsible for any loss of data that can occur during the transmission of information on the Internet or any other event that can occur during the provision of Publisher’s services.
Amendments to the General Terms of Use
The Publisher retains the right to amend or abolish any segment of his business including, and without limitations, availability period, content as well as equipment necessary to access or use the Web sites. Likewise, the Publisher can stop sending information or a part of the information, can change or cancel any mode of data transmission, and can change data transmission speeds, as well as any other of their characteristics.
The Publisher retains the right to, if he deems it necessary, at any moment and without prior notice, abolish or amend any of hereby mentioned General Terms of Use and/or the Data confidentiality statement. The changes in question can, among other things, include the introduction of certain fees or charges. If the General Terms of Use are amended and the User continues to use the www.jadrija.hr Web sites, it shall be considered that he agrees to the amended General Terms of Use. Any eventual amendment or annulment of the General Terms of Use comes into effect towards third parties immediately after its publication on www.jadrija.hr Web sites. Any User’s use of the Web sites in question, besides familiarising himself with the amendments to the General Terms of Use after such amendments have been made shall be considered as agreeing to them.
User behaviour
It is the duty and obligation of the User to use the Web site www.jadrija.hr solely in accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Croatia as well as general principles of ethics and morality. Users are not allowed to publish or transfer any materials via these Web sites that endanger or in any way violate the rights of others, any kind of material that is in its nature illegal, endangering, offensive, defamatory, which invades or endangers privacy, which is vulgar, obscene or in any way undesirable in a steady communication, which encourages unlawful activity or in another way violates any regulation and which, without express, prior, written authorisation of the Publisher, contains advertisement or an offer of anyone else’s products and services.
Any User behaviour that, by the discretionary judgement of the Publisher limits or impedes any other User in his use and enjoyment of www.jadrija.hr Web sites is strictly forbidden. The User is not allowed to use www.jadrija.hr Web sites to advertise or perform any kind of commercial, religious, political or non-commercial publicity, including invitation of www.jadrija.hr Web sites’ Users to become members of some other on-line or off-line service which represents direct or indirect competition or potential competition for the Publisher.
Intellectual property
All materials found on www.jadrija.hr Web sites are property of the Publisher and as such are protected by law or are being used in accordance with the authorisation of the copyrights holder and trademark rights holder and/or industrial design rights holder, as well as in accordance with other necessary authorisations. The Publisher is also the copyrights holder of the entire conceptual design of the www.jadrija.hr Web site that is necessary for the project’s proper and unobstructed functioning.
Any kind of distribution, copying, transfer, association, publishing or changing these Web sites and/or any materials, data, photographs, texts published on these Web sites and/or any other sections of these Web sites in any way without the written authorisation of the Publisher is forbidden. Any violation of said prohibition can result in violation of copyrights, trademark rights or any other rights and therefore can produce unwanted effects like initiating multiple kinds of court proceedings, and particularly to criminal prosecution.
The User is not allowed to change, publish, transfer, take part in transfer or sale, create derivatives or in any other way use any content of www.jadrija.hr Web site, whether wholly or partially. Copying, redistribution, retransmission, publishing or commercial exploitation of downloaded content is also not allowed.
The User can download, print out and store copyright protected materials from www.jadrija.hr Web site solely for his private and personal uses.
The User expressly obliges not to post, publish or in any other way make available any kind of material subject to copyright, trademark, or other rights on www.jadrija.hr Web sites without express authorisation from the holder of those rights and is as such solely liable for potential damages arising out of the violation of this obligation. The User must become informed independently whether or not some of the materials on the Web site are protected by certain rights, and therefore the Publisher is under no obligation to present or publish such information.
By posting materials of any kind of content on any section of www.jadrija.hr Web sites, the User guarantees that the materials right holder has given the Publisher legally valid, free of charge, unlimited right of non-exclusive exploitation, reproduction, modification, adjustment, publishing, translation and distribution of such materials. Other Users have the right to access, browse, store or reproduce those materials solely for their private and personal use.
Computer equipment
The User is exclusively responsible to procure and maintain his computer equipment, including the entire hardware and software that he owns and uses, as well as any other equipment necessary to access and use www.jadrija.hr Web sites, and also independently bears all related expenditures. The Publisher excludes all liability for any damages to the User’s equipment and other things which can eventually arise as a result of using www.jadrija.hr Web sites.
The Publisher can exercise control over the content of www.jadrija.hr Web sites at any given moment, particularly the interactive section, with the purpose of ensuring compliance with these Terms as well as compliance with the positive legislation of the Republic of Croatia. In accordance with the aforementioned, the Publisher retains the right to remove any kind of material that by his discretionary judgement is determined as not in accordance with the conditions set in here, as well as revoke User’s passwords or accounts.
Policies and procedures regarding data and the method of gathering, processing and protection of privacy and personal data are described in the Privacy Policy.
By posting comments, messages or other information on www.jadrija.hr Web sites, it shall be considered that the User grants the Publisher the right to use those comments, messages or information for the purpose of promotion, advertisement, market research or any other legally permitted purpose.
User privacy protection and use of cookies (cookies)
Cookie (cookie – hereinafter: “cookie(s)” represent the information that the Web site which the User visits stores on User’s computer. Cookies usually store User’s settings and Web site settings like preferred language or address. After the User visits the same Web site again, the Browser resends that Web site’s cookies. This allows the Web site to display information tailored to the User’s needs.
To ensure that the Web site www.jadrija.hr operates properly, further enhancements and improvements of User’s browsing experience, the Web site www.jadrija.hr stores a small amount of information (cookies) on the User’s computer.
By using www.jadrija.hr Web sites without changing the settings to withhold the consent to store cookies on the User’s computer, the User agrees to the use and storage of cookies on his computer. If the User does not agree to store cookies, the storage of cookies on his computer will be disabled, but the User will still be able to browse the www.jadrija.hr Web site, although some of its functions will not be available to him.
Details about cookies, method of their use, storage and blocking can be found under the heading Cookie statement.
Guarantee statement and limitation of liability
The User consents to using the www.jadrija.hr Web sites exclusively on his own responsibility Neither the Publisher nor any other person associated with the Publisher guarantee in any way that the use of www.jadrija.hr Web sites will not be interrupted, or that it will run without difficulties in its operation. Likewise, the Publisher is not liable for the consequences that can arise because the use of www.jadrija.hr Web sites, nor for the accuracy, reliability or content of any information, service or merchandise provided via Web sites in question.
This liability statement concerns all eventual incurred damages or possible injuries caused by any kind of error, deletion, interruption, computer virus, malfunction, operation or transfer delay, communication line interruption, theft, contract termination, destruction or unauthorised access, changes or abuse of logs, inappropriate behaviour, negligence or any other action. The User consents that the Publisher is not liable for inappropriate behaviour of other Users or third parties and that the risk of eventual damages is borne solely by the User.
The Publisher is not liable for any damage that can arise as a result of use or the inability to use www.jadrija.hr web sites in any case, wholly or partially.
The Publisher is not responsible for the content that the User, subscriber or unauthorised user can post on www.jadrija.hr Web sites. Content that is not in accordance with these General Terms can be removed or changed at any moment without special notice or explanation.
By using the www.jadrija.hr Web sites, the User expressly affirms that he will not hold the Publisher, his subsidiaries, persons responsible in the company, employees and agents liable for reparation of eventual damages and costs, including legal representation costs which can arise out of the User’s use of www.jadrija.hr Web sites.
Termination of business relationship
The publisher can terminate his business relationship with any of his Users at any time and revoke his passwords or user accounts. In that case the conditions that concern the liability and the obligations of the User shall remain valid. The Publisher does not guarantee accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any kind of content on www.jadrija.hr Web sites posted by the User, third persons or unauthorised users.
The Publisher is not liable for any eventual loss or damages that arose because the User relied on the information obtained from www.jadrija.hr Web sites. The Publisher expressly and in all respects distances himself from the materials content on third person’s Web sites which can be accessed from www.jadrija.hr Web site. In case the User accesses third persons’ Web sites, he does it exclusively and solely on his own responsibility, which implies the Publisher’s exclusion of all liabilities.
Final provisions
In case a provision of these General Terms of use is void, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other provision of these Terms and the remaining parts of these Terms shall remain valid, while the void provision shall be substituted by a valid provision closest in sense and true purpose to the void provision.
If the Publisher does not exercise his rights from these General Terms, that shall not be considered waiving or losing those rights nor any other rights indicated herein.
Jadrija d.o.o. respects the directive prohibiting advertising directed at persons younger than 18 years. Potential Users will not be intimidated or shown unreal cases in industry. Jadrija d.o.o. will advertise its marketing materials ethically, in accordance with the law and code of practice.
All legal disputes that can arise from using www.jadrija.hr Web sites are under the jurisdiction of the court having substantive jurisdiction situated in Zagreb.
By registering/opening a user account on the www.jadrija.hr Web site it shall be considered that the User has completely read, correctly interpreted and agreed to these General Terms.