JadrIS installed in Ljubljanske Mlekarne
JadrIS Android has been installed in a production system for mobile sales support in Ljubljanske Mlekarne (Slovenia).
Croatia, 10000 Zagreb, Makančeva 9 (01) 646 2960 (01) 460 3822 jadrija@jadrija.hr Mon-Fri 8:00 – 16:00
JadrIS Android has been installed in a production system for mobile sales support in Ljubljanske Mlekarne (Slovenia).
On the January 1st 2017 we have completed the integration of the "Jadris" within the TAO project in companies Adista – Rovinj and TDR – Sarajevo. The result of the international project of integration (which lasted for almost a year) is that from the first working day of the year 2017. all field workers with the help of "Jadris" successfully done all their operational tasks in the field, and successfully carry out the delivery and reception of data in the ERP system of the BAT.
JadrIS Android has been installed in a production system for mobile sales support in Dukat.
JadrIS Android has been installed in a production system for mobile sales support in ORBICO BiH.
JadrIS Android has been installed in production system for mobile sales support in BIJELIĆ CO.